Members are invited to join us for our 2022 Annual General Meeting on Tuesday November 24th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will take place online on Google Meet conferencing. Download AGM meeting package here.
The AGM is an opportunity to meet our current Board of Directors, elect new members to the Board of Directors, to learn about all that we have accomplished during the past year, and to hear about some new initiatives for 2023.
1. If you are planning on attending: Please email your intent @
2. If you are unable to attend the meeting and you want your vote to count, please complete and return the proxy form included in the meeting package. You can appoint another member who is attending the AGM to act as your proxy or assign the acting chair to act on your behalf. All Proxies must be received before the calling to order of the meeting.
TO attend the meeting:
Click on the link below a few minutes before the start of the meeting and you will be admitted.
We welcome any members who would like to join the board of directors. Please give us advance notice by email at if you are interested in serving on the board.
London Cycling Club Board of Directors